Saturday, July 23, 2011

BTYC Attends National UNITY Conference in Minneapolis, MN

The Bishop Tribal Youth Council sent 16 youth, along with 4 adults to the National UNITY (Unity National Indian Tribal Youth) Conference in Minneapolis, MN from July 7-12, 2011. Many pictures to come!! The Youth Council will be making a formal presentation of their trip at the Bishop Indian Tribal Council meeting on August 25 at 6pm.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The 1st Feel Good Friday

The first Feel Good Friday at WüNüT’ Novi went down this past Friday night. Starting with a Writing Circle to provide a creative breeding ground for writers, poets, emceeś́́/rappers, storytellers, songwriters and the like, the building pulsed with instrumentals from the boombox and words lifted off pages by voices determined to be heard. The small but spirited trio of Willie Shay, Derek Sierra and Kris Hohag shared their thoughts and outlooks on life and their community via prose and rhymes while discussing how to achieve their artistic goals.

After an hour or so, the room shifted from beats and rhymes to a steady pounding of the big drum and the sounds of northern and southern style powwow songs. Bobby Piper led the way until Mike Harrison showed up and joined the circle, strengthening the singing and power of the songs. The thumping of the drum could be heard from the street, spreading blessings throughout the rez and beyond to open the weekend in a good way.

The drummers sang until they could no more and called it a night, rejuvenated for the next go round. The night transitioned into conversation and then more music as Sage Romero showed up with his trusty P.A. system. After the P.A. was ready, the stage was set for a freestyle cypher session as the mic was passed amongst the crew. Local rapper Illest-rated Abilities (Billy Barlow) and James Napoles, freshly home from his first year at Haskell Indian Nations University, trickled in and joined, spitting flows off the top, unrehearsed, stream of consciousness thoughts to the rhythm. Youngster Cal Omohundro, 8 years old, could be seen bobbing his head as he watched and listened to his older brethren express themselves to the beat. By the end of the session, he had a pencil and paper in hand writing his own raps.

Check it next Friday nite to get in on the movement...There will not be drum group as our leader will be powwowing it up, but writing circle and cypher sesh is no doubt on the schedule. Be about it.


Bishop Tribal Youth Council News

The ballots have been counted and the youth have spoken...

The BTYC Officers for the 2011 year are:

President: Summer Linton

Vice President: Raquel Anakalea

Secretary: Ciera Miller

Treasurer: Katelyn Lent

Historian: Vonna Chandler

to all of these young ladies and thank you's to all youth who ran for office and those who voted!

Now is the time for action!! The inaugural BTYC General Membership Meeting is next Sunday, May 22 at 4pm @ WüNüT’ Novi, 2490 Diaz Lane in Bishop. The requirement for membership in the Youth Council is PARTICIPATION!! Here is your chance to get involved. Come on out and share your voice and perspective to help determine the priorities of the BTYC.

>>>>There will be a BINGO Fundraiser next Saturday, May 21st to raise money to send the officers and several additional youth council members to the National UNITY Youth Leadership Conference in Minneapolis, MN this July. To buy pre-sale tickets or for questions, contact: Pattie Manriquez @ 760-920-0214, Kathy Chandler @ 760-937-0573, Kris Hohag @ 760-920-3389 or Nancy Barlow @ 760-920-1053

Here are the details:

May 21, 2011 @ 1pm, Barlow Lane Gym

-Early Birds start @ 12:30pm - $10 for 5 games

-Pre-sale packs - $20...$5 for each extra pack

-At the door - $25...$10 for each extra pack

Monday, April 4, 2011

BTYC 2011 Officer Nominees

...and the nominees are:

Summer Linton is running for President and Vice President. She is 18 years old and a 2010 graduate of Bishop Union High School. She is currently a student at Cerro Coso Community College.

Brian Butterbredt is running for President and Vice President. He is 16 years old and currently a sophomore at Palisades Glacier High School.

Anna Butterbredt is running for President. She is currently a senior attending Palisades Glacier High School.

Katelyn Lent is running for President and Treasurer. She is 16 years old and currently a sophomore at Bishop Union High School.

Jocelyn Williams is running for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Raquel Anakalea is running for Vice President. She is 15 years old and currently a sophomore at Bishop Union High School.

Shanna McKenzie is running for Secretary and Treasurer. She is currently a sophomore at Bishop Union High School.

Ciera Miller is running for Secretary. She is 16 years old and currently a sophomore at Bishop Union High School.

Quanah Davis is running for Vice President. He is 16 years old and currently attending Palisades Glacier High School.

Garrett Rogers is running for President. He is 15 years old and currently attending Bishop Union High School.

Vonna Chandler (left photo below, second from right) is running for Historian. She is currently a freshman at Bishop Union High School.

Ballots may be picked up and turned in at WüNüT’ Novi (2490 Diaz Lane) on Sundays from 4-8pm or to your school’s Native Liaison. Voting will end on Sunday, April 10th at 8pm. All Native youth ages 13-23 are eligible to vote, regardless of tribal affiliation.

For questions, contact Kris @ 760-920-3389

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bishop Tribal Youth Council Elections in effect

Do you care about improving your community? Do you have good ideas and are open to learning? Are you proud of who you are? Are you a team player?

Develop your talents and skills for your present and future, while gaining valuable experience organizing events and projects in YOUR community.

Nominations are now taking place until March 23.

Voting will take place from Sunday, March 27- to Sunday, April 10.

The BTYC is a UNITY Inc. affiliated community-based youth council based out of the Bishop Paiute-Shoshone Reservation in Bishop, CA. Membership is open to all youth ages 13-23 of Native ancestry.

*Youth ages 15-23 are eligible to run for President. Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
*Youth at least 13 years old may run for Historian.

Self-Nomination Forms available, contact your school’s Native Liaison or come by WüNüT’ Novi at 2490 Diaz Lane on Sundays, 4-8pm. Nominations and Voting Ballots can by received in the same manner.

Questions? Contact your School’s Native Liaison or Kris @ 760-920-3389

5 Positions Open for Leadership:
*Elected Youth will serve for 1 years terms, with 2 consecutive years possible if reelected.


Duties of President:
1. Before the meeting:
a. Plans the meeting and prepares the agenda with the help of other officers, committee chairs, and the advisor. He or she includes what is to be accomplished and what is to be achieved. Together they determine the type of meeting and procedure to be used.
b. Delegates responsibilities.
c. Checks notifications, reports, and business items.
d. Organizes meeting place, equipment, etc.
e. Arrives in the proper frame of mind, knows that planning and preparation are

2. During the meeting:
a. Calls the meeting to order.
b. Follows the agenda and addresses items in logical order.
c. Has a working knowledge of parliamentary procedure and other group techniques.
d. Organizes and directs the work of committees through a chairperson. e. Keeps a favorable climate in the meeting.
f. Encourages and sets an example in leadership, citizenship, and courtesy.
g. Listens attentively.
h. Praises and thanks individuals and groups.
i. Summarizes and evaluates often.
j. Makes the meeting the group’s meeting.

3. After the meeting:
a. Evaluates the meeting and the achievements.
b. Checks reports and minutes.
c. Sets the machinery in motion for the next meeting.
d. Reports to and consults with youth council officers and sponsoring organization.
e. Lists items to be researched.
f. Checks work of committees.
g. Follows through on recommendations and actions taken.
h. Prepares for future activities.
i. Helps see that the meeting room is put back in order.
Information for this section adapted from the National Association of Secondary Principals.

Vice President
1. Has the same requirements and knowledge as the president.
2. Is able and willing to take over for the president
3. Has an important, specific committee activity assignment.
4. Can serve as the most significant leader within the committee structure.

1. Before the meeting :
a. Notifies members of the meeting.
b. Assists with the preparation of the agenda.
c. Has neatly typed minutes of the last meeting.
d. Assists various committees in drafting and distributing any correspondence.

2. During the meeting:
a. Takes attendance and keeps permanent records.
b. Takes complete minutes including name of organization, date, and place of meeting, who presided, old and new business, committee reports, motions, and results.
c. Reads minutes from previous meeting.
d. Assists the president.

1. Keeps accurate, complete records of all money collected and spent.
2. Prepares a budget for youth council approval, usually with assistance of a committee and advisor.
3. Presents reports regularly to council and sponsoring organization.
4. Prepares an annual fiscal report.

1. Documents all activities of the youth council as the official photographer, videographer and general keeper of institutional memory of youth council.
2. Keeps all documents, flyers, press releases, articles, photos and videos well organized for easy referral and browsing for the use of future youth council leaders.

WüNüT’ Novi in the news!

In a rush of activity since the first official event at WüNüT’ Novi, readers world wide and local community members alike are catching word of the efforts to establish WüNüT’ Novi Youth Media Arts and Infoshop.

The article catching speed was originally written by Devon Fredricksen, a freelance writer and originally published in The Sheet, a free weekly paper out of Mammoth, the week of Feb 18. It can be read at

It has since been picked up and reprinted by Indian Country Today Media Network. ICTMN is the national and international source for indigenous people’s news. Same article but new look can be seen at

A nice summary of the Open House Mixer event was reported and posted on, with a video no less of the incredible skills and stamina of our very own Sage Romero, performing a captivating hoop dance in honor of Sherman Alexie.

There will be a similar story in the local Inyo Register this weekend.

Thank you's to all who are standing up with us in one way or another to pull this together, its a beautiful thing :-)


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sherman Alexie Visiting Bishop, WüNüT’ Novi

It’s here!

The schedule of appearances is as follows...

Wednesday: 7-8:30pm - Discussion, Q & A @ Bishop High School Auditorium

Thursday: Mr. Alexie will be speaking to students at the Bishop Activity Center in the morning. Later in the day, he will be dropping by WüNüT’ Novi around 5pm to cap off our Open House Mixer and to be honored by youth. Dinner at the Barlow gym will begin at 5:30pm, to be followed by a discussion with the author.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for many of us in Bishop...don't miss this chance to hear Sherman Alexie in person!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sherman Alexie Collectibles Silent Auction:

100% of the proceeds to benefit WüNüT’ in our efforts to establish WüNüT’ Novi Infoshop/Youth Media Arts Center...

Support the establishment of WüNüT’ Novi and be the proud owner of rare collectible works by Sherman Alexie!! Check out the Spellbinder Bookstore's website for details on the auction items...the bidding runs from Feb. 1-21. Thank you to our entire community for this act of generosity!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Are you wondering how you can help? Do you have old (not too old), functional items laying around the house, taking up space??

We are currently seeking the following items for WüNüT’ Novi:

Large Items
DVD Player
Video Cameras
Digital Photo Cameras
Silkscreen machine
Magazine Racks
Large bookshelf
Pool Table
Ping Pong Table
Heavy (Punching) Bag

Musical Instruments of all types, but especially...
PA System/Speakers
Full Size Drum Set

If you or anyone you know is able to donate any of the above items, please contact Kris @ 760-920-3389 or Kathy @ 760-937-0573 or email us at or message us on Facebook. Thank you!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What is WüNüT’ Novi??

WüNuT Novi Infoshop/Youth Media Arts Center is a positive community space available to the youth in our community for various programs, events, resources and a place to just hang out. It is not a baby sitting service. It is a shared community space for expression, education and entertainment. WüNüT Novi will be volunteer staffed and open hours will be determined by availability of volunteers and community participation.

Services and resources to be provided at WüNüT Novi:

-access to alternative independent media and magazines, local CDs, DVDs
-a lending library
-performance space and workshops
-Community/Youth Radio station
-film screenings
-Do-It-Yourself art skill shares
-discussion groups
-meeting and event space for other organizations
-a market for local artists and musicians to showcase and sell their crafts
-wellness classes and activities
-digital media projects and workshops (ie, film/video, photography and music)

WüNüT’ is currently seeking volunteers who are willing and able to serve in the following roles:

-Communicator to outside community
-Maintain and update Wunut Rez Blog

Volunteer/Outreach Coord.

-Internal communicator
-Outreach to community/general public

Marketing/Creative Coord.
-Advertising Materials

Multimedia Coord.
-Youth and Community films/video/photo/music projects

Cultural Coord.
-cultural outings
-workshops (examples: basket weaving, beading, songs, traditional and contemporary dance)

-General maintenance of WüNüT’ Novi

Fundraising Guru
-Identify funding sources and bring in $

Financial Advisor
-maintain financial records and utilize $ for the goals and purposes of WüNüT’

If your are interested in serving in any of the roles described above or can help in other ways, please contact Kris at 760-920-3389 or Kathy at 760-937-0573.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Manahu 2011!

Pardon the stereotype, but it's been many moons since our last post and if by chance anyone reads this besides myself, well it's 2011 now!

...there has been much progress happening in the real world and blogging just hasn't been a priority. This post will attempt to sum up recent activity and hopefully give readers a sense of where we now stand and where we plan to go.

1) We now have a home!! Other than the land itself, WüNüT was successful in receiving approval from the Bishop Tribal Council to create WüNüT Novi Infoshop and Youth Media Arts Center in what was formerly known as the Old Elders’ Building. The paintings you see were done by native youth from Bishop during the recent Xmas break. We had college students home for break as well as community members come and help out with this amazing project. It is awesome and still a work in progress. Please see our facebook page for more pics.

While we continue to share this building with the fitness fanatics who take Zumba and Pilates classes offered thru Toiyabe, all future WüNüT meetings and events will likely take place at WüNüT Novi. The building is also ground zero for events and meetings of the newly formed Bishop Tribal Youth Council, which brings us to...

2) The Bishop rez now has an official youth council known as the Bishop Tribal Youth Council. Many past attempts and recent months in the making, BTYC is an official UNITY affiliated ( community-based youth council that is currently seeking involvement from all native youth in the Bishop area between the ages of 13-23. The officers have yet to be determined, but the first event/activity is planned for next Sunday and each Sunday thereafter from 4p-8p at WüNüT Novi. The event is "Homework Club and Game Night" for those wanting to finish up their weekend homework or just hangout with other young people. This is not restricted to native youth, all youth are welcome.