Tuesday, July 6, 2010

WüNüT’ meetings...

will not be taking place until mid-August or September. When we resume regular meetings, they will be posted here on the blog as well as our Facebook page. The new meeting place will be the "Octagon" building/Old Elders Building on Diaz Lane. Take advantage of our beautiful land and get out and experience the summer!

See last post for what will be happening in the meantime...


July and August

Manahu nüümü~!

Summer is definitely here and the heat says hi. Just a quick post to keep the peoples updated on WüNüT’ developments and community happenings. First off, much appreciation to those who put in time and effort to making last weekend’s Graffiti Clean Up and BBQ successful. Paha is lookin mighty fresh thanks to the trash picker-uppers and painters. Yes, we admit we painted a bridge that needed to be painted....without permission "gasp". If we get fined for improving our community, i’d like to hear the rationale for that.

Also, thanks to any and all who came thru the park at our BBQ and contributed food, drinks, supplies, ate, played and participated. We had a good game of ultimate frisbee on the ball field in between games at the 24 hour softball tournament. It was a bit more running than I remember, but we had a blast nonetheless. We all need movement in our lives. Movement is healthy. Doing it together is even better.

For July and August, WüNüT’ will not be leading, but will be involved in various community events and activities. Here is a breakdown:

July 7-11: Monache Encampment, Monache Meadows. Contact: Kathy Jefferson, 406.570.5289 or monachealliance@yahoo.com

July 12-15: Bunky Echo Hawk, ProActive Artist - various workshops with youth. Contact Vince Townsend, 760.873.8740 or bishopyouthactivities@bishoppaiute.org

July 24-Aug 1: Traditional Yosemite Walk, Mono Lake to Yosemite over Mono Pass.
Contact Lucy Parker 760.647.6669 or lucy_basket@yahoo.com

Aug 5-9: Toiyabe Trade Walk over Paiute Pass into Hutchinson Meadow.
Contact Pat Nelson 760.920.5168 or glenn.nelson@toiyabe.us

There will be more and we will post them as soon as they are finalized.