Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What is WüNüT’ Novi??

WüNuT Novi Infoshop/Youth Media Arts Center is a positive community space available to the youth in our community for various programs, events, resources and a place to just hang out. It is not a baby sitting service. It is a shared community space for expression, education and entertainment. WüNüT Novi will be volunteer staffed and open hours will be determined by availability of volunteers and community participation.

Services and resources to be provided at WüNüT Novi:

-access to alternative independent media and magazines, local CDs, DVDs
-a lending library
-performance space and workshops
-Community/Youth Radio station
-film screenings
-Do-It-Yourself art skill shares
-discussion groups
-meeting and event space for other organizations
-a market for local artists and musicians to showcase and sell their crafts
-wellness classes and activities
-digital media projects and workshops (ie, film/video, photography and music)

WüNüT’ is currently seeking volunteers who are willing and able to serve in the following roles:

-Communicator to outside community
-Maintain and update Wunut Rez Blog

Volunteer/Outreach Coord.

-Internal communicator
-Outreach to community/general public

Marketing/Creative Coord.
-Advertising Materials

Multimedia Coord.
-Youth and Community films/video/photo/music projects

Cultural Coord.
-cultural outings
-workshops (examples: basket weaving, beading, songs, traditional and contemporary dance)

-General maintenance of WüNüT’ Novi

Fundraising Guru
-Identify funding sources and bring in $

Financial Advisor
-maintain financial records and utilize $ for the goals and purposes of WüNüT’

If your are interested in serving in any of the roles described above or can help in other ways, please contact Kris at 760-920-3389 or Kathy at 760-937-0573.

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