Thursday, February 25, 2010

February Frenzy

Lots to catch up on in this to follow.

Youth/community events or activities that have taken place this month, in addition to our regularly scheduled events:
-Youth Super Bowl Party BBQ
-Basketball Tournament Concession Fundraiser
-Awakening the Knowledge - Community Wellness, Health and Tobacco Awareness Fair

It has been a busy few weeks for the community and the youth and mentors of WüNüT’/G2G. Soon after our first fundraiser, the youth and mentors took to the kitchen again for a Youth Super Bowl Party BBQ and again on the weekend of Feb. 12-14 at the 40th Annual All Indian Basketball Tournament at the Barlow Gym in Bishop, CA.

Super Bowl Party:

Gathering to watch the New Orleans Saints win their first Super Bowl, youth and community members enjoyed food provided by Paiute Palace Casino and individual donors. Attendees also participated in activities such as halftime boys v. girls Best Cheer/Touchdown Dance and a football pool for prizes. Of course we can’t forget the amazing sundaes that topped off the evening. It was a good turnout and thank you to all who came through and contributed.

Basketball Tournament:
With an outstanding turnout of teams and spectators, the basketball tournament was filled with down-to-the-wire games, hard nose play and entertainment for those in attendance. With earnings of $1375.92 to go toward future youth activities and supplies, we give big thanks to the community and gratitude to all who supported with their donations or business.

Community Wellness and Tobacco Awareness Fair:
Last weekend, in collaboration with Toiyabe Indian Health Project, Owens Valley Career Development Center and the Bishop Indian Education Center, WüNüT’ participated in the Community Wellness and Tobacco Awareness Fair entitled “Awakening The Knowledge.”

Each day began with a morning prayer and a light breakfast. Representatives from the Californian Rural Indian Health Board (CRIHB) came to share knowledge and presentations on Traditional Tobacco, Second Hand Smoking, Smokeless Tobacco aka chew/spit/snuff etc, and the use of American Indian Imagery by the tobacco industry to sell their products.

Sage Romero and Bobby Piper gave both an energizing and tiring presentation on Native dance...tiring for those who decided to attempt just a few basic moves of an accomplished Hoop Dancer. We were sweatin’! Both shared the impact dance has had in their lives and invited the community to come down to the weekly dance class held at the gym in Big Pine on Tuesday evenings. They even offered to come to Bishop for a weekly class/practice if any people are interested. The offer still stands. Be it powwow, line dancing, hip hop or breakdancing, get to movin’’s good for you.

Additional workshops included:
-Writing Circle facilitated by Kris Hohag where attendees wrote “I am from” poems and shared their natural poetic gifts with the group. The purpose of the writing circle was to share the healing and creative power of the written word. From young to old, we all have creative gifts and every poem was beautiful and unlike anyone else’s.

-Session to share the creation and purpose of WüNüT’ with the community, while expressing our need for more volunteers and mentors. The youth are deserving of positive role models and hungry for’s up to us adults to provide ourselves as such.

-Elders panel to share their upbringings and what life was like for them as youth in a different time. Special thanks to Cecil Rambeau, Ellen Hess, Pat Howard and Frieda Brown for sharing their time with all the youth and adults who were present. Our elders have wonderful stories and teaching to share with the younger generations and we are thankful to be blessed with their presence.

In addition to all these events going on, the usual activities of Get 2Gether @ the Elders on Friday nights and Sunday youth gatherings have gone on. Those who participated during the fundraisers celebrated with a Bowling night and we also went sledding this past Sunday.

All and all, it has been very active on the Bishop Rez. Good things are happening and we have many things to be thankful for. We hope to continue to have fun, learn from each other and work together to create a healthy community with each day, week, month and year that passes. With a positive vision in sight, we will get to where we are going. Keep on, keepin’ on!


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